Schueco continues to expand its range of panoramic systems
Discover Schueco's range of Panoramic sliding doors and façade systems.
In recent years, homeowners have been expressing a preference for ever-larger areas of all-but-frameless glazing. To satisfy this demand, Schueco produced its very successful range of Panoramic sliding doors and façade systems, which is augmented this year by its first-ever Panoramic window.
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Image: Schueco AWS 75 PD.SI window system
As framing technology evolves, so does Schueco’s ability to produce new solutions more closely tailored to the needs of their customers. In pursuit of this aim, the company has been working for many years to slim down frame-widths without compromising the insulation properties which are essential for maximising energy performance. The result of this work can be seen most clearly in Schueco’s Panorama (PD) range of sliding door and façade systems, which has now expanded to include the company’s first-ever PD window system.
Image: Schueco AWS 75 PD.SI window
Designated the Schueco AWS 75 PD.SI this new system is now nationally available in the UK. Produced especially for the residential market, the Schueco AWS 75 PD.SI window features reduced internal and external face-widths as low as 55 mm. These enable it to deliver a whole new level of transparency, yet the window is still able to achieve an excellent ‘Uw’ value of 0.87 W/m2K. The system has been specially designed for the construction of ribbon windows and for use as an insert in a Schueco mullion/transom façade system such as the Schueco FWS 35 PD. Here, its ultra-slim face-width enables an overall size reduction of 25%.
Smooth internal surfaces give the window an attractive flush appearance and there is a stylish new ergonomic handle without rosettes that can be fitted with a lock if required. A wide range of profiles includes corner mullions, structural mullions, symmetrical and asymmetrical mullions and Schueco TipTronic toplights. The Schueco AWS 75 PD.SI system can accommodate vent sizes up to 2.5 m and glass weights up to 160 kg, with watertightness up to 600 Pa and burglar resistance up to RC2.